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The First Architect in History | An Enduring Legacy

Writer: Arq. Cecilia GarciaArq. Cecilia Garcia

Updated: May 27, 2024

Architect passionate about appraisals and design, capturing creative ideas to contribute and share with others through educational writing.

Columna de Cecilia Garcia el primer arquitecto de la historia

The world's first known architect in history is Imhotep, an Egyptian polymath who lived around 2667-2600 BC. Imhotep is best known as the architect of King Djoser Saqqara's step pyramid. He was also high priest of Heliopolis and Chati to Pharaoh Necherjet Dyeser.

Imhotep is considered one of the first architects and doctors in history.

The reason for the construction of the step pyramid:

Like other pyramids, this one was built to serve as a tomb for the pharaoh who ordered its construction: Djoser and to preserve its “essence” eternally. The pyramids were a way in which the pharaoh demonstrated his power before his people, and thus, he remained present after his death, one objective was to prevail and for men to be remembered for the importance and relevance they gave to these constructions.

It is located in the Saqqara necropolis, in Memphis. It was part of a complex made up of a temple and other solid buildings, around which various celebrations took place.

Zoser priamide escalonada
Zoser priamide escalonada

The step pyramid of Djoser had its origin in the first tombs of the pharaohs, which were limited to underground structures on which a mastaba or truncated adobe pyramid was built. With this reference model, Imhotep devised a more complex system, based on superimposing several mastabas, from larger to smaller in size to create a monumental ascending staircase.

Step Pyramid Features:

  • Among its main characteristics we can count the following:

  • Rectangular base of 140 x 118 m.

  • Original height of 60 meters.

  • Structure of six superimposed mastabas.

  • Materials used: siliceous limestone and mortar for the body; fine limestone for the exterior coating.

Estructura interna de Zoser priamide escalonada
Estructura interna


  • 11 wells 32 meters deep.

  • 2 alabaster sarcophagi.

  • Rooms covered in faience slabs.

  • 48 thousand pieces of ceramics and stone vessels with inscriptions from previous dynasties.

  • Djoser's burial chamber, located in the center of the pyramid.

  • Materials: Granite with plaster coating.

Success increased with the ambition to superimpose descending multi-step mastabas.

In conclusion, Imhotep is considered one of the first architects and doctors in history. His legacy has been recognized by many and has been portrayed in several films and television shows. The history of architecture is an important branch of art history that studies the historical evolution of architecture and its principles.

Zoser primera piramide escalonada en Egipto vista desde lejos
Zoser primera piramide escalonada en Egipto

Imhotep, primer arquitecto de la historia
Imhotep, primer arquitecto de la historia


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